Omega or orange


New member
Forgive my laziness as this has probably been answered many times
I'm looking to purchase the full kit of either one from kapdiagnostics
I have purchased the near full tango package & want to use it to it's full potential
I'm looking to be able to read mcu s etc without going down crappy clone xprog m route
I prefer genuine tools
As people on here are regular users do u recommend orange or omega ! I'm probably gonna buy orange but any advantages
In omega
Also what's the Immo plus software package as info on kapdiagnostics is
None existent
Thanks Martyn

It is not possible with a programmer to do anything, no one in the world ...
Everyone has a certain, relatively limited opportunities.
One of the main differences between Omega and Orange-5 > Flash Adapter.
Whit Omega and Flash adapter possible made some flash IC .
Some owners have Tango & Omega, Omega and other Orange-5 :)
But in any case have used other programmers.
It is not possible to give precise recommendations ....
man himself must decide exactly what he needs.
If PC has LPT port & USB then you can choose either Omega or Orange-5
If only have USB then Orange-5 will be only choice.
If not need Flash Adapter then Orange-5 would be good choice. ;)
Thanks but that's not really answered my question
I have a desktop pc built in my van So lpt or USB are both ok
Will they both do same or will one do more than others
No matter which one I buy I will be buying full package with all adapters
I have xprog m ! Upa USB just want to be able to do more that tango offers