New member
Forgive my laziness as this has probably been answered many times
I'm looking to purchase the full kit of either one from kapdiagnostics
I have purchased the near full tango package & want to use it to it's full potential
I'm looking to be able to read mcu s etc without going down crappy clone xprog m route
I prefer genuine tools
As people on here are regular users do u recommend orange or omega ! I'm probably gonna buy orange but any advantages
In omega
Also what's the Immo plus software package as info on kapdiagnostics is
None existent
Thanks Martyn
I'm looking to purchase the full kit of either one from kapdiagnostics
I have purchased the near full tango package & want to use it to it's full potential
I'm looking to be able to read mcu s etc without going down crappy clone xprog m route
I prefer genuine tools
As people on here are regular users do u recommend orange or omega ! I'm probably gonna buy orange but any advantages
In omega
Also what's the Immo plus software package as info on kapdiagnostics is
None existent
Thanks Martyn