Id 40 not write


Two empty 7935 not write id40
Two pc,two usb cable newest sw tango
Chips are demaged, can't write anymore
I wanna try to make 4d to 4d id65, after that cant make any changes to make 4d60 or other 61,62.... Before this was ok...
Page 1 become in red, and its locked

Here is log from 4d:
***** Tango logfile TIRIS DST 4D*************
***** 25 - 1 - 2018 time: 19:06:11 *****

Page 1: F9 LOCK ( 7E F9 00 16 40 33 DF 06 08 E8 )
Page 2: 00 ( 7E F9 00 16 40 33 DF 08 76 01 )
Page 3: DF3340/16 LOCK ( 7E F9 00 16 40 33 DF 0E 40 64 )
Page 4: 000000 ( 7E 40 33 DF 00 00 00 10 E1 FE )
A2 81 0F AF 5A 1B 1C 14 50 8B F2 EB

Please admin some info about this and pcf7935
When tango ok no costumers, when costumers shows tango not works :(
I can confirm Image Generation of PCF7935 -> ID40 -> Opel is working 100% always, and since update transponder is prepared very quickly now.
To me also worked but today not works. Also week ago I made ews3 (7935) key and all ok.
A friend of mine usually CLEAR new empty pcf7935, and told me he couldn't did , so I not thing only my problem pcf7935.... also 4D60 generated to 4D65 and now can't reverse to 60 (before was ok)


I put now new empty 7935, goes to CLEAR and address 0x07 error, then I put transponder more inside in place where key should be placed and CLEAR goes till end ok, after that I generated id40 and now all ok,
I saw today's post by hammer and this is same problem, not see chip in chip hole, I must put more inside...
First to be sure is good positioned go in CLEAR, if not good will shows error 0x07
Sometimes not write even in big key hole, but I found even in transponder hole works if you put smaller part down (see as on image)
How to solve this admin, must send to you?


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Now I did ews3, before I write transponder I try CLEAR and even transponjder in key hole from 5 times 2 write error, can't be sure will write goes to the end ok
Maybe there is some sensitivity in sw to coil I not know but Ljubo should tell us what is problem

The main problem is that original Philips PCF7935 are not produced for years.
The Chinese PCF found on currently on market vary greatly from factory to factory.
Unlike other tools, when writing Tango keeps communication with the transponder in order to make sure what is written is correct.
In this regard discrepancies in transponder affect the communication. In previous version we implemented new system that allows
to calibrate Tango to the transponders which you have (PCF7935->Transponder settings), but as it is an entirely new system it requires
few more tweaks, which will probably be implemented in next update.
For now the recommendation is to tinker a bit with the settings and a few transponders you have at hand and also place then in the large hole of Tango,
where the field is strongest.
I didn't see new sensitivity setup for pcf7935, default was sensitivity 2, when I put to 1 all works ok, in normal hole for transponder