Audi BCM2 - Keyless China 868Mhz / 315 / 434


Any chance, of getting these on the list.
Some error occurred, while doing programming.

So some error while preparing, and programming the first key.
Which was quite expensive.
Even if it was China product.
(Remote OK, but not Keyless, and also Key start error - after register key and dash light up, gearbox error and SAFE. Engine start 2 seconds and stop)
(tested several times. Programming etc.
Had to hold the key in the position, to light up dash. Even original key fail to start. Then move battery clamp 12V+).
(And then original key start OK).

After this,I took a new key. Same type of China key, delivered from the same seller. At the same time.
And a different machine.
Key programmed in fine.
Start, Keyless and remote all OK.

Would have been nice, to do a reset on the failed key.
And program the key, into a new different car.