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  1. P

    FIAT Delphi BSI Remote Pre-Code Data

    Use original PCF7946A chip with correct ASK/FSK modulation. There are 2 types of the keys Marelli or Delphi but this are nor ehough, RF transmitter in both keys 2 types... Prepare key, learn via OBD, remote start work automatically when the key is valid.
  2. P

    Error 21

    In some cases VPN fix this error.
  3. P

    Opel BCM

    Opel bcm D70F3469 since 2013 year are secured...
  4. P

    Xc40 srs P32315799 RH850 protected

    If you have an advanced device that reads Secured processors, contact your software vendor.
  5. P

    HPL language / IDE

    HPL file same as txt file... There is no IDE for compile hpl files. You can use based HPL & modify it or add funcctions.
  6. P

    at90can128 secured

    Chip Erase remove the Lock bits, than you Can write the chip.